What is 4423 KINGSHEATH GBR?

First seen June 12, 2015. Last updated on December 25, 2023.

The credit card charge "4423 KINGSHEATH GBR" was first recorded on June 12, 2015. It has been deemed not suspicious by our users.

Do you have any information regarding this credit card charge? If so, please share below! Help others avoid a potential confusion by commenting!

Merchant Information

Merchant/Company Asda (edit)
Website https://storelocator.asda.com/store/kings-heath (edit)
Phone 0121 483 4410 (edit)
Category Supermarket (edit)
Description Click to Add


P Murphy on October 07, 2018

charged £30.90 on 29/9/18 and £18.17 on 1/9/18. I have no idea what either of these are. Both were in Kings Heath, Birmingham.

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detect on July 03, 2020

this is asda on kingsheath road

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Ana on January 29, 2022

I have noticed that 4423 have taken two times approximately 29 and 28 £ .

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Y_A on September 19, 2022

This is asda on kings heath high street.

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Asda kings hearh on December 25, 2023


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42% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.