First seen August 01, 2015. Last updated on September 13, 2024.

The credit card charge "TT NET ANONIM STI ISTANBUL TR" was first recorded on August 01, 2015. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Do you have any information regarding this credit card charge? If so, please share below! Help others avoid a potential confusion by commenting!

Merchant Information

Merchant/Company Turkish Telekom (edit)
Website Click to Add
Phone Click to Add
Category Internet (edit)
Description This is if you buy internt subscription onboard ( in a flight) (edit)


Julie on December 16, 2019

This was wifi on my Turkish Airlines flight

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andrey on October 03, 2022

Couldn't remember what this was, but the comment above helped me. It is indeed for WiFi.. It was spotty, but good enough for email

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Imran on May 04, 2023

It was the airplane Wifi! Completely forgot that i bought this.

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%*&!ed off on May 06, 2023

Perp tried to charge $8.08 to my credit card, too bad so sad, as the card was axed a long time ago... Why do these butt heads have nothing better to do?

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Al on October 13, 2023

Turkish Airlines Inflight internet connection

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Zhang Wenjuan on September 11, 2024

it was charged me almost 400 euro for the WiFi on board. And I was not notified.

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Zuan on September 12, 2024

Why i was charge over 200 € when the flight attendant told me it was 8$

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Tuhai on September 12, 2024

I also was charged of nearly 300 £ when I only purchased the 8$ package. That’s terrible

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Tuhai on September 13, 2024

I have checked with my bank, turn out the currency item was wrong, the amount you see in your bank history transaction is actually in Turkey currency (not pound or euro). Therefore it is a lot cheaper and it is the same price as the wifi package you purchased (ex. 8$ for 100MB)

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52% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.