What is WC *MON FUNSOURCE 8009167339 MN?

First seen March 20, 2021. Last updated on July 19, 2021.

The credit card charge "WC *MON FUNSOURCE 8009167339 MN" was first recorded on March 20, 2021. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

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Jutka Ungár on March 20, 2021

$3.95 was charged. No idea what this company is. I never heard of them and did not authorize any charges.

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Isaac on July 19, 2021

I think this company is a scam. I called the customer service number on the back of my credit card, but accidentally called the international number and thought I was talking to regular customer service and they asked me for all my info on the card. By the time I realized something was off about the call I hung up. But it was too late and the charge for 3.95 was on my card. I just called the credit card company and reported it for fraud and cancelled my card. I’m not sure if they’re going to refund the money since I did willingly give up my info but I’m glad I caught it in time. But still I want my 3.95 dollars back

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