First seen June 14, 2015. Last updated on March 04, 2025.

The credit card charge "FSI*OHIO BILLMATRIX OH" was first recorded on June 14, 2015. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Do you have any information regarding this credit card charge? If so, please share below! Help others avoid a potential confusion by commenting!

Merchant Information

Merchant/Company APCO (edit)
Website https://www.aepohio.com/ (edit)
Phone 8883334026 (edit)
Category Electricity Provider (edit)
Description A third party system that multiple city and state utility companies use to process auto payments, reconnection payments, payment arrangements, automatic withdrawal payments for those who give consent to do so and various other monetary dealings depending on the city and/or state you are located. (edit)


Krystal on September 29, 2015

Is a company that processes payments for other companys. Just a few, for OH, are Columbia Gas of Ohio and American Eletric Power

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JCK on January 05, 2016

This is a legitimate charge on your credit card. Believe me, I watch my CC purchases very closely. I had a bill for AEP Ohio for 7.00, and 2.45 for processing. Thus, my CC got billed 9.25... Simple math will solve your worries, and keeping track of your purchases too....

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%*&!ed AEP customer on February 28, 2018

This a a FRAUD-- They charged me on a credit card that they did not even have the information for! I pay my electric bills (AEP) through my bank each month & yet I am hit with a $229.58 extra charge. I had to cancel that VISA card & get another one!!

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emilia on June 18, 2018

One of several fraudulent charges for travel on our credit card.

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cvs on July 21, 2018

I do not live in Ohio, nor do I have any property there. Why am I getting billed?

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Beth on October 26, 2018

This Fsi bill matrix, that I pay my bill through Ohio Aep. I had to pay attention to the total and the surcharge they added, but it is legitimate.

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Tip on December 01, 2018

This is legitimate on my statement as paid AEP bill on date due via credit card. Thus, my bill plus $1.85 credit card charge equaled the charge shown on my statement.

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Dan Priedeman on June 25, 2019

I see a BillMatrix charge of $76.08 date 3/22 on my Chase VISA bill. I have no recollection of ever dealing with BillMatrix or what that charge was for. Please provide me with some information about that charge by July 1 or I will challenge that charge with Chase VISA;.

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Dan Priedeman drp1955@att.net on June 25, 2019

I see a Bill Matrix charge on my Chase VISA statement, $76.08, 3/22/19. I have no recollection of ever dealing with BillMatrix or what that charge may have involved. Please provide me information on that charge by July 1st, else I will challenge that charge with Chase VISA.

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Dan Priedeman drp1955@att.net on June 25, 2019

I see a BillMatrix charge on my Chase VISA statement, $76.08, 3/22/19. I have no recollection of ever dealing with BillMatrix or what that charge may have involved. Please provide me information on that charge by July 1st, else I will challenge that charge with Chase VISA.

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Joseph Vaughn on July 25, 2019

There has been a scam charge made on my account of $ 190.35 on 7/19/19 by FSI*OHIOBILLMATRIX OH and I have no way of knowing who they are, Please provide information.

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Fsiohiobillmatrix on August 09, 2019

What is this

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T.V. on September 07, 2019

A fraudulent charge by FSI Ohio BIll Matrix From Our Health Account credit Card on August 14,2019 Im filing with the Attorney General so they can investigate.

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T.V. on September 07, 2019

I have fraudulent charge on the medical reserve fund credit Card to Bill MAtrix. I am making a report to the Ohio Attorney general

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Dave on September 20, 2019

Ours is two charges one for $504.00 and another $400.00 on the same day just minutes apart. But it was for a FSI*I&m Billmatrix. Its for Indian Michigan Electric company. We live in Kansas.

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Jason on September 20, 2019

Just got two separate charges of $300 minutes apart late at night to my debit card. Bank is going to dispute it. I don’t even use AEP for my electricity.

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cathy akers on October 22, 2019


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Nora Martin on November 03, 2020

a debit amount of 49.95 was deducted from account on October 30th. How do i get my money back?

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Melanie Russell on December 02, 2020

I just did a search, as it was on my bank account. Here is what I found out. www.indianamichiganpower.com/account/bills While you will be paying your account with Indiana Michigan Power, the full amount of the fee is passed to BillMatrix as the provider of this service. If you have any questions or problems with your payment, please contact BillMatrix at 1-800-611-0964. You will receive a confirmation code as proof of payment.

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Jay Johnson on July 15, 2021

If you use Appalachian Power this is the company they use, it's legit.

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L. Wilcox on January 07, 2022

This is a 3rd party collector for Tulsa, Oklahoma electric company

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Johnson on January 28, 2022

I got two large charges on my card. Just got a new card a month ago and here we go again!

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D Johnson on February 11, 2022

I just got my sank statement there are a charge of 314.00 dollor on it I dont know what this is I call the phone number and cant get help about it

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Fsi billatrix on February 14, 2022

I have issue with fsi bill matrix. Most of you are saying it's out of Ohio but I don't live there. I asked entergy about it and they said not only do they not recognize a fsi bill matrix for Louisiana, for the bill in question, they said they had no record of. I had never owed a bill that high nor on that date. Is this a fsi bill matrix only for Ohio people?

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Fsi billatrix on February 14, 2022

I had fsi bill matrix charge me. It looked ofF So I called entergy fraud dept. They'd never heard of it nor were there any charges to my account not for 132$. So where did that payment go. Where did the charge come from? I am in Louisiana not Ohio and the ones that think it is legit are in Ohio. So maybe someone is more nick ng the fsi Ohio?

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Fraud Victim on May 09, 2022

Just had a fraudulent charge on my credit card for over $900 to FSI*APCO BILLMATRIX. Thankfully got caught by cc company.

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Kasey on August 04, 2022

Got a credit card charge from FSI Ohio BillMatrix, a charge I never made! Fraud!

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Abdullah AlGahtani on August 19, 2022

My charge was related to service I just started with “Appalachian Power” APCO! in western Virginia.

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Cheryl on September 04, 2022

FSI*OHIO BILLMATRIX 888-333-4026 OH AUTH GRANTED This is the exact description of the charge that was on my credit card in transactions. This is legitimate and is related to AEP ELECTRIC. I have AEP ELECTRIC and live in Northeast Ohio. I also believe that BILLMATRIX provides service to other utility companies and spans many other states as well. To me, this charge would only happen if you initiated it through your utility company for BILLMATRIX to be involved. It is wise to be diligent and question unfamiliar charges, but read the description well. However, for me this charge from BILLMATRIX is legitimate. Hope this helps.

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Marquita Hill on October 29, 2022

Two large bills! I'll call this number on Monday and try to find out what happened 10/17 10/18 FSI*APCO BILLMATRIX 888-333-4026 OH US Professional Services $525.19 10/17 10/18 FSI*APCO BILLMATRIX 888-333-4026 OH US Professional Services $901.85

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Faith on November 04, 2022

They just charged me almost $300 and I don’t know what they are or what it is

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Cheri on February 23, 2023

I paid my AEP bill on their website & the charge came up on my credit card statement as FSI*OHIO BILLMATRIX with the exact amount I paid AEP with just a $1.85 processing fee. So it was legit at least on my CC bill.

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Reuben on March 15, 2023

Looks like my bill from Indiana Michigan Power for AEP. Seems Legit.

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Jaime in Ohio on April 14, 2023

I was just hit with 2 charges from this FSI*OHIO BILLATRIX one for 221.85 and the other for 101.00 back to back. Research shows that it's an AEP payment. I do not now or have I ever had AEP.!!! FRAUD!!!! I also have a new debit card so how can they get the number? I'm thinking BILLATRIX has been hacked

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Melanie biddle on September 19, 2023

I have no idea what this is !!

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Tammy S Fitch on September 28, 2023

I have never ok this it took money now I have nothing in my Bank I'm minus and I pay my bills online yesterday and now this thing took more today don't understand I never said yes to anything how do i get my money back

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KENDRA KNIGHT on October 03, 2023

They took 206.85 out my account.I never authorized this

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Michael Stilgenbauer on October 04, 2023

Charged 304.19

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Sherry on October 05, 2023

Charges I didn’t green t need a credit for 3 months

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FSI Ohio Bill Matrix on October 09, 2023

This charge showed up in my bank account as Fsi* Bill Matrix for 72.85. I have no idea what it is.

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Stephan laseke on October 25, 2023


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Virginia Ramsey on November 03, 2023

This has been comeing out of my checking accounts. I didn’t know what it was though maybe electric until now. It goes from over 100.00to500.00

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Ohio matrix on November 03, 2023

I just comes out of my checking acct I never ok’ed anything I never heard it. It is ascam

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Fis*ohio metrix on November 03, 2023

I don’t know it has to be a scam

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Teresa Cotton on November 10, 2023

Just seen a charge for $311.00 on my statement. It says for CLK neotonic. Never heard of them. I need this taken off my bill. Thanks so much Teresa Cotton Tlbrc@yahoo.com 6069234270

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Fsi entergy on December 02, 2023

I'm in Alabama some one made to charges first charge 381.72 the second charge was 259.60. I do not use this company

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Chad on December 03, 2023

I have faith recurring on my bank statement going back as far as I can see for 11.99 and 21.99 and have no idea what it is concerning?

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Regina wirtz on January 26, 2024

300.84 dollars tried to be taken

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FSIOHIOBILLMATRI on January 28, 2024

Phone #888-333-4026

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Ashley Davis on February 02, 2024

I do not know of this charge and I just recently got this charge to my PayPal account

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Kat on February 04, 2024

I signed up thru the online payment on AEI power, and was charged a 40 dollar increase in one month of the same usage of the month before.. paid by credit card and will see what happens next month...looks like a billing service with the Power Co. having the same issue with my payng my rent online.

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Darren ray Whiting on February 05, 2024

I was charged on 1/30 on my bank account I was paying my gas bill and I paid on line with this company and now the gas company doesn't show the payment for Columbia gas

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Angela Kauffman on February 14, 2024

I do not know what this charge is for. I have been charged by them several times. At first I thought it was part of my hospital payment plan. Now I don’t know what it is.

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Diana on February 24, 2024

Fraud, fraud, fraud. I pay my AEP with a check through the post office mail. Don't know how they got credit card info.

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Rosecoriddicook on March 04, 2024

You are not authorized to my name and or card number Sent you don't do business in new york

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Rose on March 04, 2024

Never ever submitted submit information to a third party. They promised to delete my information and not charge anything.

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Brianna pruitt on April 11, 2024

Took 25.85 from me

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Jackie Smith on September 26, 2024

Fsi*ohio Billmatrix 888-333-4026 Oh

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No. Do not have a clue. on November 27, 2024

If this charge is legitimate, why should they have a problem letting people know who is billing. I will contact my credit card companies, and tell them it is FRAUD.

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Rhonda Dorton on February 24, 2025

Showed up on my bank statement

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alfred George skinner on March 04, 2025

Showed up on my bank statement

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alfred George skinner on March 04, 2025

in bank statement

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Do you know what the source of this charge is?

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78% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.